Free singing lessons - online
instruction on how to become a real singer
(this info is old - you can ask a question in the forum ) - listen with winamp/real player!
Free singing lessons - read on for an
introduction to the art of singing. I've been
making attemps for mastering this art for 5 years
now and there is a lot you can learn from me.
Let me begin with a
sample of my work as a singer (To download,
right-click and save target as...). Try to learn
something from my example.
Not so bad, hu? Well, it's not perfect but
it's definitely not out of tune or rhythm (with
slight exceptions:-). So, this was just to show
you the type of instruction you get from my free
singing lessons - samples with text.
Let's go on with the text...
In order to be able to sing professionally,
you have to be a master in two things: your voice
and rhythm (More about rhythm here). By voice I mean the
organ that makes sound waves located in your
mouth (now it's getting interesting :-). You have
to be able to control this organ.
How do you do that? Simple, just relax and
don't think about rules and techniques. Just
think about the pleasant feeling that you want to
express. No, don't think, just feel it.
When you learn to sing, you'll be sure of
yourself and there won't be much difference
between your singing to yourself and to a big
audience. For more on how
to sing on stage, click
That is exactly what my free singing lessons
will be trying to teach you. To feel comfortable
when singing. To believe that you can sing. Yeah
:-) . Now, send
me a blank email in order to be informed of
the next singing lessons and other musicmaking
That was Free Singing Lesson 1. Click here
for Lesson 2.