Playing music by ear - listen
to the music and play away your feelings
(this info is old - you can ask a question in the forum )
Playing music by ear is very easy. Learning a
piece of music with the help of notes is easy
too, but only if you've spent years of learning
to read them. Of course, in order to develop a
sharp musical ear, you also need some time, but
this time is very enjoyable.
Some musicians play both using notes and by
ear. Others can't play at all :-) . I don't use
notes, but I don't say you should not use them.
Playing music by ear doesn't mean that the player
is just playing what he/she wants. There still
are musical patterns in the player's imagination
or memory.
To clarify this, I will play a piece for you.
It hasn't been written down with notes, it still
isn't in my head, but when I start playing it,
you'll see (I mean hear:-) Click
here to download it.
Well, it's not much of a "piece",
really. Just a demonstration of my rhythm and
melody flow preserving skills. These are not
terms with definitions, but when you become a
better player you'll understand what I mean. In
fact, I haven't heard your work, so I can't say
whether you're not a good player already.
Anyway, you heard me playing music by ear and
talking about this music without written notes
but with melody flow and rhythm. Now, I want to
invite you to musicmaking's newsletter which will
keep you informed of any new music stuff on the
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confidence. You can unsubscribe anytime.

Peter Stankov's latest album
I've recorded many hours of music
and here's my latest work, considered the best so
far by my friends and myself.
It's called Cerotonine - World Music and there
is a free track for you. Click here
to see more details.