Benefits of music education
(this info is old - you can ask a question in the forum )
Benefits of music education - from ancient
times, along with music, there has been music
education. Good musicians have always been
tempted by teaching and by creating rules for
music education. But are there really any
benefits from this type of education?
Some will tell you that there are great
benefits of music education. And that without
education you can't become a musician. Others
will tell you that even if there are some
benefits, if you don't have talent, it's useless
to begin learning.
The most important question actually is
"what is music education?" . If you can
find an answer to this question, you'll know for
yourself whether to learn to play from a teacher
with hundred diplomas but without any real
skills, or from a super guy like me :-) . Of
course diplomas are not bad but I don't have any,
so I am fighting for my interests. :-)
Nowadays, as always, music education is an
important part of education in schools. This is
because music is an important part of everyday
culture. Music is everywhere and schools try to
develop an attitude towards music in children.
But for the child who likes music more than
the rest, there is another music education. This
is music itself. And the question "What are
the benefits of music education?" becomes
"What are the benefits of music
itself?" .
As you probably have heard music was banned in
Afganistan under the taliban regime. Those people
believe that there are no benefits of music, let
alone any benefits of music education what so
ever. (What a style! :-)
But maybe this is just politics. Because music
and music education are a really powerful foreign
relations question. For example MTV is banned in
some far east countries because it doesn't bring
the benefits of music education which those
governments want.
For me, music education (or music itself)
became a part of my life since my early
childhood. And it has benefited me in the sense
that I've learned to play a few instruments and I
am enjoying my hobby every day. I've developed a
sense for art (or rather I've managed to keep it)
and a sense for beauty and professionalism.
So, if you're thinking whether to let your
child get deeper in music education, don't. Just
let him/her decide for him/herself because it
can't be said whether there are benefits of music
education or there are not. It depends on the